I’m an artist based in Amsterdam working at the intersection between visual and performing arts. In my vocal or choreographic performances, I draw out relationships between bodies and their environments, whether I’m exploring the persuasive power of collective choreographies in public spaces or plying the boundaries between the human and non-human.

I was born in 1975 and have lived in Amsterdam since 1998. These days I teach yoga, illustrate, shoot photos and contemplate the many questions that arise when building a community.

Gina (29, she/her)
“I see dNM as an organic collective in harmony with its physical, natural and social environment. dNM creates literally and figuratively space for a diverse group of people to get together, be a community, to live, participate and to build a more social and sustainable Amsterdam and world together. I see dNM as an antidote to a more and more neoliberal and individualistic society, an amazing sustainable community that I’m happy to be part of.”

Harsono Lucyanto Sokromo (32, he/him)
“For me dNM means offering an alternative form of living, for and by the people who will eventually live there. All the people related to the project create a strong connection with the neighborhood and the community, which can advance a sustainable cooperation in many different ways. I am part of dNM because I want to participate in and think about the process. It gives me the tools, trust and knowledge that I could otherwise only gain in a course or a work related environment. Amsterdam is the safest place for me at the moment, I would love to keep living here and help make the city safer.
Lauri Schippers (26, she/her)
“dNM is creating a new way of living by bringing the values of commoning back to the city. Sharing is caring, for each other and for the planet.”

Jerry (55, he/him)
“The core values of dNM, care, commoning, sustainability and diversity, speak a lot to me. I am very happy to be part of this dynamic housing project and amazing community. Together we create and build a new way of living in the future.”

Niell (24, she/her)
“I pridely take part in dNM. It is a project which should inspire the Netherlands in fulfilling people’s right on (accessible) housing. I am convinced dNM can offer me a safe place to live where I can develop myself.”
Roberto Carlos Márquez Estrada (32, he/him)
“De Nieuwe Meent for me means family. Being part of the LGBTQ+ community, POC and an immigrant finding like-minded people you can trust and rely on can be complicated, and I found a safe space within the DNM community.”

Selçuk Balamir (38, he/him)
When co-initiated dNM as a postcapitalist housing project, I wanted to carry my previous learnings from NieuwLand to a bigger scale with even higher ambitions. This is how you reproduce the commons: you pay it forward.

I am a 3D animator and visualizer in the architecture industry. I have been living in Amsterdam since 2016. I grew up in a collective community in Israel and have a strong background of community life, activism and the pursuit of social justice.

Hans Klijn (32, he/him)
“I see dNM as an alternative to today’s housing market where houses are seen as investments. Together, we stand up for houses to live in, rather than to make a profit.”