The doodle has spoken: we will have our BBQ on Sunday the 2nd of September on Archimedesplantsoen!
We will be starting at 14:00, and expect to finish at around 18:00, so everyone (including kids!) can join. This will give us all the chance to get to know each other, the location and the neighbours a little better.
This will also be a great opportunity to get the workgroups started! There will be plenty of time for workgroups to present themselves, recruit new, interested people and discuss together over food how they will proceed. Please make sure to sign up on Slack beforehand and express your interest in joining your preferred working group there!
We will make sure there will be nice food and drinks, but everyone is invited to contribute to the potluck! Please be mindful that we both want to cater to a broad range of people, from vegans and veggie lovers to neighbours who read BBQ and expect meat.
In case of mild rain or wind, we will be still convening at the location and start building our dream house right away. In case of heavy showers, we will swiftly move the gathering indoors at NieuwLand.
If you want to help out with any of the logistics, please get in touch with Niels or shout on the #community channel on Slack. There is also a Facebook event to share and for last minute updates.