Last Sunday, we gathered at Noorderpark for our first real life workshop since the start of the corona crisis. It was great to see everyone again and we’re proud of the community we’re building!
During the workshop, we played a game in which little groups discussed important topics for the association: care, sharing, diversity, food and joy/celebration. We inspired each other and gave our common vision for the project more meaning.
Despite the rain, we had fun:

But there’s much more to come!
These events are scheduled for the next two months:
-June 21st, 12 pm: open session for questions about the admissions procedure to apply for our future housing. Please register by sending an e-mail to
-June 28th: Meentraad (general assembly, for members only)
-July 12th: Meentvergadering (assembly for everybody involved in the project) about the preliminary design. This meeting is only meant for those who already feel involved in the project. It’s not a good moment to join for the first time.
-July 26th: Meentraad (general assembly, for members only)
August 29th: De Nieuwe Meent meets the Watergraafsmeer neighbors surrounding the building plot by Science Park train station
For after the summer break, you can already put these events in your calendar:
-September 6th: Design workshop
-September 20th: party to welcome new members. Presentation of how dNM has been developing during the past two years. Hand-over of tasks.
-October 11th: Legal workshop about a concept version of of the bylaws
In Conclusion
It was a great relief to be able to socialise in person again. But if you missed it, don’t worry, many more events are coming up, one of them being the launch of our crowdfunding!
Don’t miss a beat, sign up here for our newsletter!