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Join The De Nieuwe Meent Webinar!

In occasion of the launch or its crowdfunding campaign, housing cooperative de Nieuwe Meent presents the project in all its aspects and discusses with external guests the Commons (Silke Helfich, Co-founder Commons-Institut and Commons Strategies Group) and the Wooncooperatie Actieplan (Marije Raap, Housing program manager, city of Amsterdam).dNM is a citizens initiative to build 40 affordable homes (15 independent social units and 5 living groups). The building will include collective spaces and rooms for public social initiatives and it will be energy neutral. Our core values are: Commoning, Sustainability, Diversity and Care.

17th of December

18:30 – Welcome to de Nieuwe Meent
18:50 – The Commons, by Silke Helfich
19:10 – Actie Wooncooperatie, by Marije Raap
19:30 – dNM core values
19:50 – dNM co-design and sustainability
20:10 – dNM finances and crowdfunding campaign
20:30 – Goodbyes

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